Industry Placements
Programme benefits
T Levels are a two-year programme that provide young people with a high-quality alternative to A Levels. They have been designed by employers, and combine theory, practical and classroom learning with an industry placement (approx. 45 -60 days). After completing the course, learners are suitably prepared to enter the workplace or continue their studies.
How do Industry Placements (T Level’s) work?
T Level students learn the core theory, concepts, and skills in an industry area and complete at least 45 days’ industry placement to gain real-life work experience. Students spend their placement in a real company learning the day-to-day responsibilities of the industry.
You will offer students a minimum 315 hours (approx. 45 days) industry placement within your business or organisation. This can be provided either as a continuous, intensive placement or in blocks of on-the-job activity. You will train and mentor the students you take on in the same way you would any other new member of staff.
NOTE: T Level qualifications and specialisms are being introduced each academic year through 2025. If there is not a T Level relating to your business currently, the college can still work with you on a pilot placement, matching the characteristics of the above to ensure we’re planning with your sector in mind for the future.
How do T Levels benefit employers?
You can avoid many of the costs associated with recruitment by working with us directly. We’ll match our students with your placement opportunity, bringing talented young people into your business.
By offering work placements, you’ll have first access to budding students in your industry. If your T Level student displays the right skills, knowledge and attitude for your company, you can offer them a permanent job or apprenticeship when they finish their course – kickstarting their career and helping you build a pipeline of talent.
Bringing T Level students into your business gives staff a great opportunity to practise their mentoring skills. Young people bring fresh ideas and new ways of thinking that can help your existing employees think differently about the way they do things.
An industry placement student needs to be mentored, but they’re also extra resource for you and your team. They could support with a key piece of work, help you meet a deadline or complete tasks you otherwise wouldn’t have time to do.
Offering work placements can form part of your social value strategy, although you gain benefits, you’re also giving something back to the young people in your community. This can raise your business’s profile locally and nationally – especially as T Levels gain more public exposure.