How Can We Help You
A skilled workforce is at the heart of every business. At TCG, we fully embrace and support the ambition of Greater Manchester to drive an integrated employment and skills eco-system. This system has the individual and employer at its heart responding to the needs of residents and businesses, contributing to the growth and productivity of the Greater Manchester economy.
Our highly experienced Employer Partnership Team works with hundreds of businesses across the city region. Our aim is to help you become more productive and profitable and to attract and develop a motivated workforce through training expertise and business knowledge.
We help you to identify potential employees who are a good fit with your organisation. In the medium-term this can reduce expensive and time-consuming recruitment activity and support your planning for the future
We provide a free organizational needs analysis to identify any gaps between your employees’ skill set and the needs of your business. This service can be an invaluable tool for your company’s succession planning.
We have also established several Employer Advisory Boards, supported by both the college and employer/trade body representatives. The aim of these boards is to inform and advise curriculum content at the college to ensure it is responsive to the needs each sector that we work with. We want our services to be aligned with business requirements, providing a highly skilled pipeline of talent to support each industry to thrive.
To act as a champion of TCG and the Further Education and Skills Sector in Greater Manchester.
Meet Up
Advisory Board Members to make best endeavours to attend every bi-annual Advisory Board Meeting.
Provide feedback and information on skills and recruitment trends happening within your sector and geographical location operating in.
Provide guidance and input into TCG courses, delivery, and resources.
Make best endeavours to respond to surveys and information requests from TCG and other key stakeholders.
Where relevant, making introductions to key stakeholders e.g. sector bodies, sector specialists and potential partners.
Engage with TCG Activities e.g. Careers Week, Apprenticeship Week and other events that will add value.
Employers who are representative, of the sector; who bring high-quality industry expertise to the table; and who reflect the different aspects of the sector. Boards meet twice per year and are 2 hours.