Our Courses at Trafford College

At Trafford College we offer a wide range of courses in Greater Manchester for school leavers and adults, with vocational and technical courses, A Levels, apprenticeships and degree level qualifications.

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5 Available

Access to HE L3 Diploma (Engineering)

  • Adult
  • Monday 16th September 2024, 1 Year
  • 09:20 - 15:20
  • Trafford College, Stretford Campus
  • TFP-AH3D-1200
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Access to HE L3 Diploma (Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professions)

  • Adult
  • Monday 16th September 2024, 1 Year
  • 09:20 - 15:20
  • Trafford College, Altrincham Campus
  • AFP-AH3D-1100
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Access to HE L3 Diploma (Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professions)

  • Adult
  • Monday 16th September 2024, 1 Year
  • 09:20 - 15:20
  • Trafford College, Stretford Campus
  • TFP-AH3D-1400
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Access to HE L3 Diploma (Social Sciences)

  • Adult
  • Monday 16th September 2024, 1 Year
  • 09:20 - 15:20
  • Trafford College, Altrincham Campus
  • AFP-AH3D-1200
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Pre Access to HE

  • Adult
  • Monday 13th January 2025, 22 Weeks
  • 09:00 - 17:00
  • Trafford College, Altrincham Campus
  • AFP-AH2D-1200
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A Different Option

We have also the following courses available in your chosen subject area(s) at our sister colleges

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