Learner Support
We’re with you every step of the way during your time studying a University Level course with us at Trafford College.
If you need help with your finances, career planning or mental health and wellbeing we are here to help. Please contact Learner Services Reception and they will be happy to support you: Altrincham Campus: 0161 952 4694/ Stretford Campus: 0161 886 7148.
Services available
Consultation with your Course Tutor or Pastoral Support Mentor
Work placement identification and support
College Counsellor (you can self-refer in Learner Services)
Mental Health and Wellbeing Workshops – see your Pastoral Support Mentor for Further details
Accessing the HE Study+ programme
Guidance on policy and procedure
External Counselling Service (referral can be made via your GP)
Disabled Students’ Allowance Support and Advice
Additional Learning Needs
The Higher Education Disability and Support Service offers information, advice and guidance for students with a variety of disabilities, including specific learning needs, including mental health, physical and sensory requirements. The team is able to provide confidential advice and guidance to students regarding the support available through the college, and to also help those who wish to apply for Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSAs).
We proactively implement the SEND Code of Practice and the principles that it observes: enabling participation, collaboration with partners, high quality provision, inclusive practices, removing barriers to learning and preparing for adulthood.
The Higher Education Disability and Support Service (sometimes called HEDS) supports a wide range of learners and offers an accessible and inclusive service.
The specialist service offers information, advice and guidance for students with a wide range of disabilities including dyslexia, dyspraxia, ASD, ADHD, mental health conditions as well as physical disabilities
Register with the disability support service and bring a copy of your medical evidence. We can offer reasonable adjustments that include;
- Individual Support Plans
- HE Study+ as an interim measure for students that have been recommended either Mentoring or Study Skills
- Extended library loans
- Library Assistants
- Equipment loan e.g. laptop or Dictaphone
- Electronic copies of lecture materials in advance
- Exam access arrangements: reader, additional time; supervised rest breaks; alternative formats; alternative locations
- Modification and adaptations of materials
- Support, advice and guidance for DSA (Disabled Students Allowance) in Higher Education
- Drop-in sessions to discuss support issues
The Disabled Student Allowance (sometimes called the DSA) is a grant to help pay the extra essential costs you may have as a direct result of your disability. DSAs are not means tested and you do not have to repay them. DSAs do not cover disability-related costs you’d have if you weren’t attending a course, or costs that any student might have.
You can get help with the costs of:
- specialist equipment, for example a computer if you need one because of your disability
- non-medical helpers
- extra travel because of your disability
- other disability-related costs of studying
To apply for DSA, click here; https://www.gov.uk/disabled-students-allowances-dsas/how-to-claim
The team are able to provide confidential advice and guidance to students who wish to apply for Disabled Students Allowances (DSAs). The service also coordinate the HE Study+ programme which is a programme of additional academic support for all students across Higher Education running drop in sessions and workshops on academic skills development.
Booking your Needs Assessment
ATOP Ltd outreach assessment centre at Stockport College is an accredited assessment centre approved to carry out study needs assessments for disabled students. Once you have received your confirmation of DSA’s you should contact ATOP to arrange your appointment.
To book your DSA needs assessment click here; http://www.atop-ltd.co.uk/referral.php
Further Learner Services Support
The Work Based Learning Team ensures that all students are fully prepared to practice their learning at work. The aim of the placement is to provide the opportunity for you to acquire practical experience, by applying the knowledge gained on your course. Placements also enable students to develop key skills, including:
- personal and interpersonal skills;
- communication;
- problem-solving;
- a positive attitude towards change;
- values and personal integrity;
- an understanding of the world of work.
As part of the learner support provided, the Career Guidance team is here to help you make the right decisions. We can help you in a number of ways, from giving you advice on the most appropriate course to take before you start, to helping you decide what you want to do when you finish your course by considering your interests, abilities and whether you’re after more education, training or work.
We also have a fully stocked careers library, including a section for graduates, with career databases and software packages to help you decide on your future direction.
Email: careers@tcg.ac.uk
Tel: 0161 952 4694
When you submit your application to college we ask that you tell us if you are care experienced by ticking the relevant box on your application form. This enables us to link you with a Pastoral Support Mentor (PSM) who will contact you to discuss a bespoke support plan and ensure that you are settling in. Your Pastoral Support Mentor will also serve as a link with any social worker you are currently working with and a parent/guardian.
As a care experienced learner you are entitled to receive a bursary to help with travel, equipment, trips and college meals. You are entitled to up to £1200 on a study programme that lasts for 30 weeks or more. Study programmes of less than 30 weeks are paid a pro-rata amount. You will be sent an application form in the post or alternatively can collect one from Learner Services. If you require any help completing the form then please speak with your pastoral support mentor or the front desk of Learner Services.
For more information for care experienced young people, please read our Principles of the Care Experienced Covenant.
For definitions regarding care experienced learners please visit: The Higher Education Statistics Agency for Definitions of a care leaver / looked after status or the NSPCC definition of ‘looked after children’.
Sometimes personal problems can make it difficult to concentrate on studying. It’s reassuring to know that you can call on a professional and confidential counselling service if you need to.
You are welcome to talk to us about issues such as relationship difficulties, bereavement or anything else that is on your mind, without judgement. Counselling is available to full and part-time students.
Tel: 0161 952 4694
Our dedicated team of learning facilitators will work with you to design a personalised support package. We also work with partner agencies to ensure you can access the help you need. This could include any of the following:
- In-class support
- Out of class support
- Study skills support
- Modified material
- Communication support
- Dyslexia support
- Support from Sensory Support/SALT specialists
- Exams access arrangements
All learners are assigned a Pastoral Support Mentor (PSM). The Pastoral Support Mentors are trained to provide a frontline service for any mental health needs and are here to support you through the difficult times in your life that could stop you achieving your best at college.
Self-care techniques and general lifestyle changes can help support a positive mental health. Here are some tips for looking after yourself that you might find helpful.
If these work well for you then you may find you don’t need any formal treatments or meetings. However, it’s important to remember that there is unlikely to be an instant solution.
- Keep a mood diary. Tracking your moods can help you to work out what makes you feel better or worse. You can then take steps to avoid, change or prepare for difficult situations. You can create your own mood diary or find one online – there are many freely available on the internet and as apps for your phone.
- Build your self-esteem. Taking steps to increase your self-esteem can help you to feel more confident and able to cope
- Nourish your social life. Feeling connected to other people is important. It can help you to feel valued and confident about yourself, and can give you a different perspective on things. If you can, try to spend some time connecting with friends and family – even a text or phone call can make a difference.
- Relaxation – you may already know what helps you relax, like having a bath, listening to music or taking your dog for a walk. If you know that a certain activity helps you feel more relaxed, make sure you set aside time to do it.
- Mindfulness – mindfulness is a therapeutic technique that involves being more aware of the present moment. This can mean both outside, in the world around you, and inside, in your feelings and thoughts. Practising mindfulness can help you become more aware of your own moods and reactions, but not everyone finds mindfulness helpful.
- Getting into nature – getting out into a green environment, such as a park or the countryside, is especially good for you. Even if you don’t have a garden or aren’t very mobile, caring for plants or animals indoors can still help you get some benefits from nature.
- Get enough sleep. Rest when you can. This can help you have the energy to cope with difficult feelings and experiences.
- Keep Active. Regular exercise doesn’t have to be very strenuous or sporty to be effective – to start with you could try gentle exercise like going for a short walk, yoga or swimming. The important thing is to pick something you enjoy doing, so you’re more likely to stick with it. If you’re physically disabled, Disability Rights UK provides information about exercises you might be able to do. Alternatively, ask your doctor for advice.