Funding & Finance
We have a range of financial support packages that you may be able to access depending on your circumstances. Our customer service team can help you by giving you more information on course fees and letting you know what your support options may be. Please contact the customer service department on 0161 886 7070.
If you’re a student aged 16-18 then you do not pay any tuition, registration or exam fees, but you may be required to purchase course-related resources during your studies.
Are you eligible for 16-19 bursary
To be eligible for the 16 – 19 bursary you must be 18 or under on 31st August in the academic year you start college or be aged 24 and under if have an EHC plan (Educational Healthcare Plan).To apply for the College Bursary you household income needs to be £40,000 per year or less (before tax)
If you are eligible for the Bursary, you may be able to get help with travel, essential equipment, meals and trips.
Registered Young Carers with a household income of less than £40,000 per year (before tax) may be eligible for a weekly bursary.
A weekly bursary may also be awarded to students who meet one of the criteria below:
If you are a student who is in the care of the Local authority or are a Care Leaver or living with Foster Parents (but not a private foster care arrangement)
Students who receive Universal Credit in their own right because they are financially supporting themselves and someone living with them such as a child or a partner
Students who receive Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit in their own right as well as Personal Independence Payments or Disability Living Allowance
Bursary application forms are available below to download or you can collect from Learner Services at your campus of study.
If you have any Bursary enquiries, you can email – traffordstudentbursary@tcg.ac.uk
Helpful Information
The government has extended the free meals support to students from lower income families attending further education courses. This means that if you were in receipt of free meals whilst at school and are aged 16 – 18, you may still receive an allowance towards your lunch. In order to be eligible, you or your parents must be in receipt of one or more of the following benefits:
- Income support
- Income-based jobseekers allowance
- Income-related employment and support allowance
- Guaranteed element of state pension credit
- Child tax credit with a gross income of less than £16,190
- Working tax credit run on — paid for the 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for working tax credit
- Universal credit (with income under £616.67 per month)
If you think you may be eligible, please call into Student Services to see a member of the Student Finance team.
If you’re a young parent, you may be able to get help with childcare costs (up to £160 per child per week). For more information about this support, please contact the Care to Learn helpline on 0800 121 8989 for more information and an application pack.
Childcare Expenses, including travel expenses to and from a childcare provider for young parents aged 16-19, can also be accessed through the national Care2Learn scheme.
‘Our Pass’ is a free bus travel scheme for 16-18 year olds who live and travel within the Greater Manchester area. Visit www.ourpass.co.uk for more information on the scheme and to apply.
‘Our Pass’ replaces bursary financial assistance for bus travel if you’re a student within the Greater Manchester area.
Please note: if you use an ‘Our Pass’ for journeys to and from college, you will not be eligible for a travel contribution from the bursary.
An ‘Our Pass’ will cost £10 and this fee will be reimbursed by the college if you are eligible for the bursary, live more than 1 miles from the college, and use an ‘Our Pass’ for your college journeys.
If you live outside the Greater Manchester area, or have to use alternative transport methods, you may be eligible for financial support for travel. Please contact Student Services to discuss this with a Financial Support Officer.
We have a specific bursary to support students who are either:
- Care experienced (a Looked After Child or Care Leaver)
- In receipt of Universal Credit/Income Support in students own name
- In receipt of ESA/DLA and PIP in students own name
Application forms can either be downloaded and printed, collected in person from the College or a form can be sent in the post, or email us at email studentfinance@tcg.ac.uk
To be eligible for this bursary you must be 18 or under on 31st August in the academic year you start college or be aged 24 and under if have an EHCP (Educational Healthcare Plan).
Your household income of £40,000 per annum (gross) or less, then you can apply to the Bursary Fund at the College. The fund can help towards course-related costs such as equipment, travel and trips. It should be noted that funds are limited and awards aren’t guaranteed.
We offer additional support for students who are registered as a Young Carer.
External Support
Care to Learn
If you’re a young parent (16-19), you may be able to get help with childcare costs (up to £160 per child per week). For more information about this support, please contact the Care to Learn helpline on 0800 121 8989 for more information and to apply online. Care2Learn scheme.
16-17 Saver Railcard
If you are 16 or 17 and use the train to travel to College, the 16-17 Saver Railcard gives you half price train fares at any time of the day. At a cost of £30, you can then either purchase a discounted single, return or season ticket. To order, visit this website: https://www.16-17saver.co.uk/
Our Pass
‘Our Pass’ is a free bus travel scheme for 16-18 year olds who live and travel within the Greater Manchester area. Visit www.ourpass.co.uk for more information on the scheme and to apply.
An ‘Our Pass’ will cost £10 and this fee will be reimbursed by the college if you are eligible for the bursary, live more than 1 mile from the college, and use an ‘Our Pass’ for your college journeys.
If you live outside the Greater Manchester area, or have to use alternative transport methods, you may be eligible for financial support for travel. Please contact Learner Services to discuss this with a Financial Support Officer.
Scholars Permit
Once your Our Pass stops working (the 31st August after your 18th birthday) and you are in full time, further education and live in Greater Manchester, you may qualify for a Scholars Permit up to the end of the academic year when you turn 19. For a one off £5 cost, the pass allows the holder to pay the concessionary fare for bus journeys, or reduced fares on train and tram journeys between your home and college. You can get an application form from Learner Services or Main Reception at College, any Greater Manchester Travelshop, or by visiting www.tfgm.com
Stagecoach UniRider
If you are over 18 and use only Stagecoach buses, the Stagecoach UniRider Pass may be the most cost effective way of travelling. They offer either an annual pass, or termly (3 month) pass, which is roughly half the price of purchasing a weekly bus ticket. Visit this website for more information: https://www.stagecoachbus.com/promos-and-offers/manchester/unirider
System 1
If you use multiple modes of public transport or multiple bus operators, then a System 1 pass may be the best value for you. There are weekly, monthly, termly and annual season tickets for students. These tickets can be used for multiple journeys at any time and are valid anywhere in Greater Manchester, not just between home and college. These tickets can be purchased online from the relevant transport operator or at your local Paypoint outlet. Visit www.paypoint.co.uk for locations.
These cards can be used on virtually all public transport services in Greater Manchester, regardless of which company runs them. If you are aged 16 – 26 and in full time education, you will need to get a System One student membership card to buy student bus passes. These Travelcards can be purchased online at www.systemonetravelcards.co.uk or at your local paypoint outlet.
Visit www.paypoint.co.uk for locations.