What’s it like to be on a Supported Internship?

by india

The Supported Internship is a structured study programme based primarily at a host employer which, in this case, is Trafford General Hospital. The programme is delivered in partnership with Pure Innovations, Trafford General Hospital and Trafford Council.

The course enables and supports young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) to have the opportunity to gain sustainable paid employment. Students are equipped with the skills to work through work experience placements, including: pharmacy, hospitality & catering, domestics, linen room, administration, radiology and reception. Students experience 3 work placements (one per term) and are supported by a Personal Tutor, Job Coach and Employment Officer.

We spoke to one of our Supported Internship students, Sophie about her experience and how the supported internship has steered her career journey.

Hi Sophie! Can you tell us a little more about yourself?

Hello, my name is Sophie Tyson and I am 23 years old. I was born in Manchester and raised here. I was studying at Trafford College when I came across the Supported Internship programme.

What’s it like to be on a Supported Internship?

The Supported Internship programme is designed to help you to get ready for work and the next step to your future.

As part of the internship, we were in the classroom for 4 days a week learning about employability skills. I started my work experience on Ward 12 in September 2017.

On a day-to-day basis I make teas and coffees for the inpatients. I make the beds, wristbands and labels for the ward.

After 2 months of working here, on the 20th November 2017 the manager on Ward 12 offered me the job as a Ward Clerk. I sit on the font of the desk and admit patients onto the system and prepare for the patients that are due in for surgery.

I planned after completing the internship that I wanted to get a job in the hospital, and it happened! Now I have been working with Ward 12 for 4 Years.

We spoke to tutors and colleagues who have worked with and helped Sophie along her journey:

“Sophie started her work placement on the Supported Internship as a Ward Clerk in the Orthopaedics Department. Due to her positive attitude, hard work and enthusiasm for the role, we were able to turn her placement into a working interview, during which she proved herself to be an invaluable member of the team and was offered a permanent position as a Ward Clerk. We are all incredibly proud of what Sophie has accomplished. It has been great to see her go from strength to strength and develop in her role. She is a shining example of what can be achieved with hard work and the right attitude.”

– Stuart Hamilton, Employment Officer for Pure Innovations

“Sophie is a superstar and we are so proud of her!”

– Deborah Raynor, Personal Tutor

“Sophie has been a pleasure to work with, she has adapted to the role and responsibilities quickly and we have seen her confidence grow and grow. We have lovingly welcomed her into our work family.”

– Claire, Sophie’s Manager of Ward 12
Interested in the Supported Internship and looking to find out more? Find useful links below:

We believe that every learner should have the opportunity to continue their education regardless of ability or circumstance. We offer a wide range of courses from Entry Level with a wide range of personalised support to ensure you can fully access the college and your course. We will help you to find the strategies that work for you during your time at college and in your future career.

We proactively implement the SEND principles that it observes: enabling participation, collaboration with partners, high quality provision, inclusive practices, removing barriers to learning and preparing for adulthood.

  • Transition to College

It’s normal to feel overwhelmed by the move from school to college. Our friendly Transition Team is here to make your start to college run smoothly, so if you have any special educational needs (SEN) or you have an educational healthcare plan then the Transition Team is a good place to start. If you have any questions email ehctrafford@tcg.ac.uk.