
Plumbing & Gas

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Plumbing & Gas

Plumbing and Domestic Heating Technician

Level 3, Apprenticeship Standard. Delivered: Stretford Campus

Plumbing and Domestic Heating Technicians plan, select, install, service, commission and maintain all aspects of plumbing and heating systems.  As a competent Plumbing and Heating Technician, the installation of plumbing and heating systems includes accurate measuring, marking, cutting, bending and jointing metallic and non-metallic pipework. Appliances and equipment can include gas, oil and solid fuel boilers as well as pumps, heat emitters, bathroom furniture or controls as part of a cold water, hot water, and central heating or above ground drainage and rainwater systems.  Typically, apprentices will have English and Mathematics at level 2 on entry.

Gas Engineering Operative

Level 3, Apprenticeship Standard. Delivered: Stretford Campus

Gas engineering involves the safe installation, commission, decommission and the ongoing service and repair of gas appliances in either a domestic or non-domestic setting. Appliances can include, but are not limited to; a range of work categories such as central heating boilers, unvented hot water storage, ducted air heaters, cookers, space heaters, meters, alternative fuel, boosters, testing and purging for industrial pipework.  Roles in gas engineering will include explaining how installations and appliances work, providing energy efficiency advice and ensuring customer service excellence at all times.

Applicants will normally have gained a minimum of 3-5 GCSEs (grade A-C) or equivalent, preferably English, mathematics and a science or relevant / appropriate experience.